Frequently Asked Questions
What is life coaching?
This is the most frequent question I am asked so let's start here...
Coaching is a process based on an equal relationship of trust and mutual respect between two people where the coach helps and supports their client to design their own future and fulfil their goals by finding their own answers. Life coaching is all about you, it is about moving from the present to where you want to be and your future, not your past. By harnessing techniques based on core psychological principles and intuition, life coaches provide clients with the tools to confidently face difficult situations and push past emotional barriers.
Why would I want a life coach?
A Life coach helps you look at a situation from a different perspective, clarify goals, challenge and sort through thoughts and feelings. By utilising tools and techniques the coach is able to get a good idea of how their client looks at the world. In turn, this helps the coach to help you uncover your personal values and helps you to learn about yourself and what’s important to you. From there the coach is able to identify the most effective route to their client's goal. A life coach will empower you to recognise strengths, acknowledge challenges and overcome barriers to change enabling you to make positive changes in your life. They offer support and feedback and hold you accountable to help you stay focused on achieving your goals.
Are life coaches role models?
I hope not! Aside from it being unethical and against our profession code of conduct a life coach won't tell you what to do or make decisions for you. I am not a life guru and my life isn't perfect. However, I am someone who has learned how to let go and pass through some very challenging times-I think with a fairly high level of dignity and success. I have come to realise these passages are normal and my feelings and emotions are normal. What is important is to keep moving forward.
As an individual and an expert in your own life, the answers reside inside you to be whom you want to be. It is my job as a professional coach to help to clarify what you want and support you in finding solutions that work for you.
How do sessions work?
All my coaching sessions are unique and client led. You decide what works best for you based on why you are working with a coach, what you want to achieve, personality, situation, and the time and finances you have available. I offer a choice of session lengths and am happy to tailor a session to suit the time available or the outcomes you wish to achieve. Typically sessions last between 60 and 90 minutes and take place via Skype or over the phone. Location depending they can also take place face to face, over email, and occasionally through instant messaging.
During the session, I will ask you a number of questions, such as where you are in life right now, what you want to get out of life, what areas you're unhappy with and where you'd like to see yourself ending up. Through active listening and questioning, you are challenged and supported to discover more about yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, priorities and values you most want to live by. You are helped to identify and remove limiting barriers empowering and motivating you to not only find your own solutions but also to commit to a positive plan of action and be accountable for carrying it out. I will work with you and support you but, it’s often up to you to challenge or reflect upon certain ideas to help you move forward with your life. You will never be forced to make any decisions you don't feel comfortable with and all the sessions are private and confidential allowing you to explore your thoughts and feelings freely and without hindrance or judgement. However long your session is, feeling like the most valuable discussion happens at the end is a normal experience. It doesn't mean your session was too short in fact quite the opposite. It means the coaching process is working!
How many sessions will I need?
This depends on your goal, what you want to achieve, timescale, personal situation, finances etc. As a guide, usually, once a week works well if you're seeking help to actively manage a project, overwhelmed, going through a transition and appreciate frequent support however if your coaching involves deep thinking, self-discovery and life questions then less frequently makes more sense.
I offer both individual coaching sessions and fully supported 3-month programmes. You can book as many coaching sessions as you like but as a coach, my aim is for you to achieve the goals you set out for yourself. Each coaching client relationship has an inherent rhythm and pace and the desired balance is the right amount of coaching for you NOT as much coaching as you can get.
Skype, phone or face-to-face?
Eliminates geographic restrictions.
Flexible, ideal for busy schedules.
Convenient-ability to receive coaching in any location as long as have a phone/computer and internet connection.
Some people prefer a visual connection.
Similar to skype
Some people prefer the anonymity
Face to Face
Location dependant
Undertaken in a comfortable confidential environment. This could be your own home, coffee shop or anywhere mutually agreed.
What's my first step?
I offer a free introductory consultation, usually lasting approx 45 minutes. This free session is not a full coaching session. Instead, it’s a great opportunity for you to meet and chat with me and see where you are in life right now, where you want to be as well as how I can help you. More importantly, you will be able to see if I am the best life coach for you. It’s important you feel comfortable talking to me and me with you. Undoubtedly, coaching will occur at some point. My aim within this session is for you to ask as many questions as you need, experience the coaching approach and to be supported in clarifying both your current situation and what you want. You may also be encouraged to take some specific actions to move you forward as well.
This is a no-obligation consultation so what are you waiting for?
Contact me TODAY and get ready to Welcome Change